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Piemonte Where to play in Torino?

Discussione in 'Dove giocare ed allenarsi' iniziata da magnuseffect, 19 Nov 2017.

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  1. magnuseffect

    magnuseffect Nuovo Utente

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Hope you do not mind me writing in English. I will be in Torino for Work from Wednesday 29th Nov to Friday 1st Dec and hoping to play some table tennis in the evening. I had a lot of fun playing in Rome two years ago and Milan last year and hoping to repeat the experience. Training or matches / tournament would be fun.

    I play modern defensive style and ranked about 30-40 in Norway (maybe around 300 in Italy?). I'm happy to play anyone. Anyone know some clubs that will take guest players?
    A eta beta piace questo elemento.
  2. eta beta

    eta beta Pnaftalin Balls

    Categoria Atleta:
    5a Cat.
    TT Ossola 2000 Domodossola
    Hi @magnuseffect !

    Everyday, in the afternoon, exept on sunday, You can play at the gymnasium of TT Torino, placed in Via Tempia, at the end of Corso Giulio Cesare (near Auchan department store).
  3. magnuseffect

    magnuseffect Nuovo Utente

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Thanks @eta beta! That is just a few stops away from the hotel and looks like a great club.
  4. eta beta

    eta beta Pnaftalin Balls

    Categoria Atleta:
    5a Cat.
    TT Ossola 2000 Domodossola
    :approved: enjoy it !!
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