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Vote for table tennis top 100 rallies!

Discussione in 'Video' iniziata da simeontt, 26 Ott 2008.

Status Discussione:
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  1. simeontt

    simeontt Nuovo Utente

    i'm from Bulgaria.
    I have bulgarian table tennis site and i have week rally rubric.
    I collect 100 rallies and i want order them in top 100.
    Then i put them in one video top 100...
    Vote for the best 5 rallies.
    You have to distribute the points between different rallies as you think with 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point. You can vote only once.
    Thanks and vote here:

    If you have any questions ask here.
    Sorry for my english...
  2. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    I can't see anyone of these rallies..
  3. Conteabba

    Conteabba Utente Attivo

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Mortise 2000
    Are all the rallie's links out of work?
  4. simeontt

    simeontt Nuovo Utente

  5. Conteabba

    Conteabba Utente Attivo

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Mortise 2000
    The new link works.
Status Discussione:
ATTENZIONE! - L'ultima risposta a questa discussione ha più di 365 giorni!
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