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table tennis training in China

Discussione in 'Chiacchiere sul Tennis Tavolo' iniziata da helen, 3 Apr 2008.

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  1. Timo-Boll

    Timo-Boll Utente

    Categoria Atleta:
    2a Cat.
    grazie... allora noi andremo li... saremo circa 15 persone dal 04 Agosto al 1 Settembre!! ;)
  2. helen

    helen Nuovo Utente

    hello , if anyone wants to take part in table tennis training ,please contact me.
  3. helen

    helen Nuovo Utente

    Spring Training Camp can register now !!!

    Dear Madam or Sir:
    Spring Training Camp in Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center
    The time of Spring Training Camp begins in March 1th of 2011 and ends in June 19th of 2011.
    You can register to participate in 15days’ training or more time of training according to your time during this period. For details , please log in www.cntttc.org/ .
    Best Regards
  4. helen

    helen Nuovo Utente

    2011 Spring Table Tennis Training Camp in CNTTTC

    Welcome to Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center (CNTTTC). It is a great place for all table tennis players, lovers, professional or recreational, for all who know that a great sport to stay healthy and happy. The mission of the Center is to provide a conducive environment that nurtures, coaches and develops aspiring table tennis players of all ages and all countries to achieve their goals by realizing their potential in the sport and promote Ping Pong to its fullest. All table tennis teams, clubs, individuals, groups from social to competitive level can participate at any time; there is a spring intensive training camp in the center which begins on March 1st, 2011 and ends on June 19th, 2011.During this period. A lot of table tennis players from many foreign countries will come here for intensive training. You are most welcome to the center for spring table tennis training camp. Don’t hesitate to participate in our training programs. Cherish this precious opportunity to take national level training in China’s BEST table tennis developing center. As for details, Please feel free to visit our official website: www.cntttc.org your early reply will be highly appreciated.
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