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Irish Senior Classification Qualifying Tournament

Discussione in 'Sezione Internazionale' iniziata da esauritorix, 17 Ago 2011.

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  1. esauritorix

    esauritorix Utente

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Allenatore FITeT
    Categoria Atleta:
    5a Cat.
    Salve a tutti, volevo segnalare questo torneo aperto a tutti. Per dettagli potete guardare qui: http://www.irishtabletennis.com/
    Quest'anno dovrebbero esserci diversi giocatori UK e forse di nuovo
    Ecco cosa dicono dell'edizione precedente:
    The Qualification Event for the National Senior Classification 11/12 represents a great chance for players to play in a round-robin format, get lots of matches and establish their early position on the Butterfly Senior Ranking Lists.

    Last year's Qualifying event saw a large entry, with over 100 players take part, as this tournament continues to grow in popularity. Qualifiers last year included Vladislavs Agurjanov , who went on to win the tournament the Senior Classification outright – he is an automatic qualifier this season. Edel O’Reilly and Jean Wyse qualified from the Women’s section last year and both went on to have tremendous seasons - Who will be the breakthrough players in 2011?

    The Qualification Event takes place on Saturday 27th August in DCU Sports Centre, Glasnevin, Dublin. All players are guaranteed a lot of matches due to the round robin nature of the event, and for 4 men and 2 women there is also the opportunity to play in the Senior Classification to be held on Sunday 28th August in the same venue

    Se avete bisogno di altre informazioni potete contattarmi, dato che vivo in Irlanda :)
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