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Hurricane King ST Handle

Discussione in 'Consigli & Test sui Materiali' iniziata da barney, 11 Apr 2008.

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  1. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Hi All,

    I'm sure everyone have heard of Hurricane King FL and C-Penhold types. What about Hurricane ST handle? Good news to those who prefer ST handle over others. Hurricane King now comes in ST handle. Finally, waiting is over for those ST handle players who wish to have a Hurricane King....:metal:

  2. fields_of_sun

    fields_of_sun Consigliere

    Nome e Cognome:
    S.S. Juvenes RSM
    A really good notice...;) i usually paly with straight handle... and the blade seems very good... where do you find the notice, or the vendor? :mumble:
  3. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    I get to know this from a Malaysian friend(he is a state player and doing little online business). I have imported 2 myself recently and it's really cheap. I got it for about Euro98/racquet. I save on shipping as my friend will get it personally for me(it's heavy about 600grams for a box). I cant wait for it to arrive. Will post up the pictures once they arrive. Certainly it's a good racquet......

    How much is a Hurricane King in Italy?

  4. fields_of_sun

    fields_of_sun Consigliere

    Nome e Cognome:
    S.S. Juvenes RSM
    Your friend have also a online shop? It's a very good price for that blade, here, in Italy, you can find it at a price between 130€/150€... :sisi:
  5. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Yes, in Malaysia, the cheapest we can get is about Euro110(FL and C-Penhold). Since he's my friend and will be going to China, he will help me to get it and sell me at nett price about Euro98/blade. At the moment, H.King(ST) hasnt arrived in Malaysia yet. It just came out and only sold in China. From what I heard, H.King(ST) has been sold out in China. I hope my friend will be able to get 2 for me.

    Also, there are rumours saying that H.King price will increase significantly after Olympic in China. Regarding this news, I'm not sure how true it is but I dare not take the risk. Somemore H.King production is kind of limited. That's why i want to stock up 2 blades before the price goes up.

    Yes, my friend is doing little business online. He normally sell to those in the club and also put some on ebay. I normally buy from him coz his price is cheaper than those in the shop in Malaysia. If any of you are interested, I could recommend him(sorry i dont know his online business address now but I can ask him).

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