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giocare a roma per un estraneo

Discussione in 'Dove giocare ed allenarsi' iniziata da tonilo, 15 Feb 2009.

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  1. tonilo

    tonilo Nuovo Utente

    Ciao a tutti!
    I'm sorry I don't speak Italian, but I hope somebody can help me.
    I'm coming to Rome for a couple of days (actually a week) with some friends and we play table tennis at home every day and would like to find a place where we could practise in Rome. We are staying close-by the Vatican and search for a place around there where we could rent a table in the evening.

    I already tried to search the internet, but as I don't understand Italian I had no chance. So if anybody can help me, that would be great!
  2. sunnie

    sunnie ...OgniTanto...

    Nome e Cognome:
  3. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    After the right suggestions given by our super Sunnie, I think you will have the possibility to play. You don't need to talk, only to play and you will see that you will find a lot of frinds. Welcome !
  4. tonilo

    tonilo Nuovo Utente

    Thank you very much!
    Mille grazie! (I hope that at least this i correct... :))
  5. sunnie

    sunnie ...OgniTanto...

    Nome e Cognome:
    Yessssssss! You must know that here I play and joke.
    I hope you can play table tennis in Rome.
    Have a good journey! Bye,Bye;)
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