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Telai Elenco Composizione legni Telai

Discussione in 'Consigli & Test sui Materiali' iniziata da skevros, 14 Apr 2014.

Status Discussione:
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  1. skevros

    skevros Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD TT Campomaggiore Terni.
    Posto link tabella composizione telai vari :

    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 14 Apr 2014 ---
    Il Sito è questo :dati: :


    Buon lavoro......:approved:


    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 15 Apr 2014 ---
    Classificazione+caratteristiche+recensione telai :

    Table Tennis Blades

    :dati: :teach: :approved: :banana:
    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 15 Apr 2014 ---
    SPECIFICHE TELAI (lucioping ITA) :


    :dati: :approved:
    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 15 Apr 2014 ---



    :dati: :teach: :approved:
    Ultima modifica: 15 Apr 2014
    A Più scuro e Faber piace questo messaggio.
  2. skevros

    skevros Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD TT Campomaggiore Terni.

    UP LISTA : :dati:

    729 L5 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    729/LKT Blue Thunder = koto - fiberglass - balsa - cork - balsa - fiberglass - koto

    Andro CSV Off+ = limba - ayous - kiri - ayous - limba
    Andro C. Suss Hinoki All+ = hinoki - ayous - ayous - ayous - hinoki
    Andro C. Suss Hinoki Off = hinoki - ayous - ayous - ayous - hinoki
    Andro Kinetic ALL+ = limba - limba - ayous - ayous - limba - limba

    Avalox BT555 = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Avalox Ma Wenge Carbon = limba - carbon - ayous - ayous - ayous - carbon - limba
    Avalox P500 = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Avalox P700 = limba - meranti - ayous - ayous - ayous - meranti - limba

    Banda Pegasus = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba

    Bomb Professional 06 Blanc = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba

    Butterfly Adolescen = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Butterfly Amultart = hinoki - zlc - kiri - zlc - hinoki
    Butterfly Balsacarbo X5 = basswood - carbon - balsa - carbon - basswood
    Butterfly Gergely = hinoki - carbon - balsa - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Gergely 21 = hinoki - carbon - balsa - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Gergely Alpha = hinoki - carbon - balsa - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Hinoki Shake Speedy = hinoki - walnut - ayous - walnut - hinoki
    Butterfly Innerforce ZLC = limba - limba - zlc - ayous - zlc - limba - limba
    Butterfly Innerforce ZLF = limba - limba - zlf - ayous - zlf - limba - limba
    Butterfly Jonyer-Hinoki = hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki
    Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk = planchonello - poplar - ? - poplar - planchonello
    Butterfly Jun Mizutani = limba - zlc - limba - kiri - limba - zlc - limba
    Butterfly Kazan = hinoki - walnut - balsa - walnut - hinoki
    Butterfly Keyshot Light = koto - arylate - kiri - arylate - koto
    Butterfly Kim Taek Soo = hinoki
    Butterfly Kong Linghui = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Butterfly Kong Linghui Special= hinoki - arylate/carbon - kiri -arylate/carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Korbel SK7 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Butterfly Kreanga Carbon = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Liu Shiwen = limba - limba - zlf - ayous - zlf - limba - limba
    Butterfly Michael Maze = limba - arylate/carbon - limba - ayous - limba - arylate/carbon - limba
    Butterfly Oh Sang Eun = koto - koto - ayous - koto - koto
    Butterfly Power 7 = koto - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - koto
    Butterfly Primorac = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Butterfly Primorac Carbon = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Petr Korbel = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Butterfly Photino = hinoki - zylon - kiri - zylon - hinoki
    Butterfly Sardius = hinoki - carbon - balsa - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Schlager Carbon = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Butterfly Schlager Precision = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Butterfly SK7 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Butterfly Timo Boll ALC = koto - arylate/carbon - limba - kiri - limba - arylate/carbon - koto
    Butterfly Timo Boll Spirit = koto - arylate/carbon - limba - kiri - limba - arylate/carbon - koto
    Butterfly Timo Boll W7 = koto - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - koto
    Butterfly Viscaria = koto - arylate/carbon - limba - kiri - limba - arylate/carbon - koto
    Butterfly Zhang Jike = koto - arylate/carbon - limba - kiri - limba - arylate/carbon - koto
    Butterfly Zhang Yining = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba

    Cornilleau Hinotec ALL+ = hinoki - limba - ayous - limba - hinoki
    Cornilleau Hinotec OFF- = hinoki - limba - ayous - limba - hinoki
    Cornilleau Hinotec OFF = hinoki - limba - kiri - limba - hinoki
    Cornilleau Hinotec OFF+ = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon -hinoki

    Darker 7P-2A Point Carbon = hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki

    Dawei GTS = hinoki - arylate/carbon - ayous - arylate/carbon - hinoki
    Dawei Wavestone = limba - arylate/carbon - ayous - arylate/carbon - limba

    Donic Baum Carrera Senso = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Donic Baum Espirit = koto - aramyd/carbon - ayous - kiri - ayous - aramyd/carbon - koto
    Donic Baum Sawtec = ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous
    Donic Burn All+ = mahogany - awan - kiri - awan - mahogany
    Donic Burn Aratox = koto - kiri - aratox - kiri - aratox - kiri - koto
    Donic Burn Off- = mahogany - awan - kiri - awan - mahogany
    Donic Burn Off = mahogany - awan - kiri - awan - mahogany
    Donic Chuan/Wosik/Ovtcharov Senso Carbon = limba - carbon - ayous - balsa - ayous - carbon - limba
    Donic Dicon = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Donic Dima Sawtec = koto - kiri - kiri - kiri - koto
    Donic Liping Kitex = hinoki - ayous - texalium - kiri - texalium - ayous - hinoki
    Donic Opticon RS = beech - ayous - balsa - ayous - beech
    Donic Ovtcharov Senso V1 = walnut - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - walnut
    Donic Persson Carbotec = koto - carbon/fiberglass - spruce - kiri - spruce - carbon/fiberglass - koto
    Donic Persson Exclusive Off = limba - koto - balsa - koto - limba
    Donic Persson Powercarbon = limba - carbon - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - carbon - limba
    Donic Persson Powerfibre = limba - fiberglass - ayous - ayous - ayous - fiberglass - limba
    Donic Persson Powerplay = limba - foil - ayous - ayous - ayous - foil - limba
    Donic Persson Powerspeed = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Donic Persson Seven = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Donic Waldner Diablo Senso = limba - fiberglass - ayous - fiberglass - limba
    Donic Waldner Dotec Hinoki = hinoki - hinoki - hinoki
    Donic Waldner Senso Carbon = limba - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - limba
    Donic Waldner V1 = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba

    DHS 08 = basswood - basswood - basswood - basswood - basswood - basswood - basswood
    DHS 506 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    DHS H-LG = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS H-WL = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS H-WN = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS Hurricane Hao = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS Hurricane King = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS Hurricane Long = koto - arylate/carbon - spruce - ayous - spruce - arylate/carbon - koto
    DHS Hurricane Long II = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    DHS Magic A06 = koto - koto - ayous - ayous - ayous - koto - koto
    DHS PG2 = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS PG3 = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    DHS PG7 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    DHS PG8 = anegre - ayous - ayous - ayous - anegre
    DHS PG9 = koto - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - koto
    DHS TG7-AL = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba

    Galaxy/Yinhe Challenge S6 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe Earth 1 = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Galaxy/Yinhe Earth 3 = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe M-4 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe M-6 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe MC-2 = koto treated with microcristal - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto treated with microcristal
    Galaxy/Yinhe N-3 = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-1 = hinoki - carbon - kiri (soft) - carbon - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-2 = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-7 = hinoki - arylate/carbon - kiri - arylate/carbon - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-9 = hinoki - limba - carbon - balsa - limba - ayous
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-10 = hinoki - carbon - balsa - carbon - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe T-11 = limba - carbon - balsa - carbon - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe Uranus 1 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Galaxy/Yinhe Uranus 2 = koto - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - koto
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 1 = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 12 = hinoki - carbokev - ayous - carbokev - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 13 = ayous - carbokev - ayous - carbokev - ayous
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 14 = koto - carbokev - ayous - kiri - ayous - carbokev - koto
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 15 = ayous - carbokev - ayous - kiri - ayous - carbokev - ayous
    Galaxy/Yinhe Venus 16 = ayous - carbokev - ayous - kiri - ayous - carbokev - ayous
    Galaxy/Yinhe W3 = hinoki - carbokev - kiri - carbokev - hinoki
    Galaxy/Yinhe W6 = angola - ayous - ayous - ayous - angola
    Galaxy/Yinhe Y14 = basewood - carbon - kiri - carbon - basewood

    Hunter Hawk = poplar - bass - poplar

    Joola Chen Weixing = limba - koto - black cloth - kiri - black cloth - koto - limba
    Joola Fever = limba - carbon - ayous - kiri - ayous - carbon - limba
    Joola K5 = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Joola MC1 = Koto - Koto - ayous/balsa - Koto - Koto
    Joola Rosskopf Emotion = hinoki - koto - carbon - ayous - carbon - koto - hinoki
    Joola Rosskopf Force = hinoki - carbon - kiri - carbon - hinoki
    Joola Trix Fast = hinoki - spruce - x (balsa/carbon) - spruce - hinoki
    Joola Viva = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Joola Wing Fast = hinoki - ayous - kiri - ayous - hinoki
    Joola Wing Medium = koto - ayous - kiri - ayous - koto

    Nexy Color = hinoki - spruce - ayous - spruce - hinoki
    Nexy Spear = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba

    Nimatsu Tsunami Combi Attack: 0,6mm limba - 2,0mm balsa - 6,0mm balsa - 2,0mm balsa - 0,6mm ayous

    Nittaku Acoustic = limba - limba - tung tree - limba - limba
    Nittaku Ludeack = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Nittaku Ludeack Power = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Nittaku Runlox 5 = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Nittaku Rutis = walnut - gcarbon - limba - gcarbon-walnut (gcarbon = Glassfibre impregnated with carbon resin)
    Nittaku Septear = hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki - hinoki
    Nittaku Violin = white ash - white ash - kiri - white ash - white ash
    Nittaku Violoncello = white ash - white ash - kiri - white ash - white ash
    Nittaku Wang Nan = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto

    Stiga Allround Classic = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Stiga Allround Evolution = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Stiga Carbo 7.6 = limba - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - limba
    Stiga Clipper = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Stiga Clipper CR = limba(UV treated) - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba (UV treated)
    Stiga Ebenholz V = ebony - spruce - ayous - spruce - ebony
    Stiga Energy Wood = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Stiga Hans Alser Offensive 80's = nut - padouk - ayous - padouk - nut
    Stiga Offensive Classic Old = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Stiga Offensive Classic New = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Stiga Optimum Carbo = limba - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - ayous - carbon - limba
    Stiga Rosewood V = rosewood - spruce - ayous - spruce - rosewood
    Stiga S-5000 = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Stiga Tube Aluminium = limba - ayous - ayous with micro channels(filled with aluminium dust) - ayous - limba
    Stiga Tube Carbo = limba - ayous - ayous with micro channels(filled with carbon dust) - ayous - limba
    Stiga Tube Offensive = limba - ayous - ayous with micro channels(filled with hard wood dust) - ayous - limba
    Stiga V1 Carbon = limba - carbon - ayous - ayous - ayous - carbon - limba

    Tibhar IV-L = ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous
    Tibhar IV-L Light Contact = ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous
    Tibhar Lucjan Blaszczyk = limba - limba - limba - limba - limba
    Tibhar Samsonov Force Pro = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Tibhar Samsonov Stratus Carbon = limba - limba - carbon/kevlar - kiri - carbon/kevlar - limba - limba

    TSP Break 9 = 9 ply all hinoki
    TSP Break 11 = 11 ply all hinoki
    TSP Gaia = koto - ayous - kiri - ayous - koto

    Ulmo Duality = (FH -> BH) Samba - Balsa - Poplar - Poplar - Poplar - Balsa - Mahogany

    Xiom Amadeus = hinoki - limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba - hinoki
    Xiom Amati = limba - limba - carbon fleece - ayous - carbon fleece - limba - limba
    Xiom Aria = limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - limba
    Xiom Control = hinoki - aramid carbon - kiri - aramid carbon - hinoki
    Xiom Extreme S = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    Xiom Fuga = koto - spruce - ayous - spruce - koto
    Xiom Ignito = hinoki - energy carbon - kiri - energy carbon - hinoki (energy carbon is softer than regular carbon)
    Xiom Jazz = hinoki - koto - ayous - koto - hinoki
    Xiom Maximus = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Xiom Ovid = limba - limba - ayous - limba - limba
    Xiom Stradivarius = koto - aramid carbon - ayous - kiri - ayous - aramid carbon - koto
    Xiom Zetro Quad = hinoki - zylon - limba - carbon - kiri - carbon - limba - zylon - hinoki

    Yasaka Extra = anegre - limba - ayous - limba - anegre
    Yasaka Extra Offensive = walnut - spruce - ayous - spruce - walnut
    Yasaka Max Wood = limba - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - ayous - limba
    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 28 Apr 2014 ---
    Caratterstiche Legni (ENG) : :dati::teach::banana:

    1. Balsa: Forest tree of lowland Central America
    As it is low-density but high in strength, balsa is a very popular material to use when making light, stiff structures. It has a typical density of about 160 kg/m³.
    In blades Balsa is often combined with carbon + 2 outer plies of plywood, to make te blade light and fast at the same time.

    2. Hinoki: A species of cypress native to central Japan.
    The wood is lemon-scented, light pinkish-brown, with a rich, straight grain, and is highly rot-resistant.
    Hinoki has the property of being very soft with a nice soft touch in short, but very fast when hitting. The biggest drawback is probably weight, that is apart from it's scarcity and cost.

    3. Limba: A large tree in the family Combretaceae, native to tropical western Africa.
    The wood is either a light ('white limba') or with dark stripes ('black limba' or 'korina') hardwood.
    Limba has excellent acoustic properties, and so good vibrations which make this wood excellent for table tennis blades. The thinner veneers of limba that are being used in table tennis blades are popular for topspin game. The wood gives good acoustic click sound when used with softer rubbers and it’s vibrations or flex is liked by top spin players. The more the thickness, it increases the hitting ability.

    4. Ayous: The high elasticity of this African wood gives quite a nice bounce effect when inside the blade. It is not that great a top veneer wood as it is not very pliable.
    Seemingly ayous is more often used in Asian blades, whereas Limba is used in European blades. There are exceptions though.

    5. Koto: The wood is tight and rather solid. It has a nicely striped, decorative design and therefore is often used as surface veneer (with a thickness of 0.7/0.8 mm)

    6. Anegre: Anegre is a mid hard and solid, a non-elastic wood, being waterproof, it is mostly used as surface veneer. Anegre can be found in two colours basically (yellow and red); the red one can be used as a replacement for fossil tree.

    7. Padouk: The wood is hard and elastic, partly used as surface veneer (dark red colour).

    8. Kiso Hinoki
    A very light, solid type of wood; this particular cypress is used for blade manufacturing only when having 300 years or more in age. It can be found in all types of veneers in table tennis blades.

    9. Spruce: Spruce is believed to be amongst the most important types of wood used in forestry. It grows quickly and is also know as Oregon. In table tennis blades it is principally used as mid veneers.

    10. Kiri: A light weight, soft but very tight and torsionally stiff type of wood, mainly used as core veneer. Almost every Butterfly table tennis blade that is made in Japan has a Kiri core. More durable, heavier and harder than balsa. This is one of the main reasons why Butterfly blades are heavier than other manufacturer's blades.
    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 28 Apr 2014 ---

    Sito dedicato al Telaio STIGA STELLAN BENGTSSON :

    Hölzer - Stellan Bengtsson

    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 28 Apr 2014 ---

    Collezione TELAI VINTAGE :

    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 28 Apr 2014 ---
    Tabella Materiali Telai (GER) :

    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 28 Apr 2014 ---
    Altra tabella caratteristiche Legni (ENG) ;

    TT Blades Database - Glossary of materials used for table tennis blades
    Ultima modifica da un moderatore: 28 Apr 2014
    A Più scuro, Luigi79 e mendmax piace questo messaggio.
  3. skevros

    skevros Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD TT Campomaggiore Terni.
  4. francescovir

    francescovir Nuovo Utente

    posseggo l'innerforce (limba-limba -zlc-ayous-zlc-limba-limba), petr korbel (limba-limba-ayous-limba-limba),donic waldner carbon sensov1 (limba-carbon-limba-ayous-limba-carbon-limba) ed il new stiga offensiv classic oversize wrb (black walnut/limba - spruce - ayous - spruce - black walnut/limba.
    sono tutti e 4 telai che stoprovando per sceglierne uno su tutti .
    Quello che suona di piu' acusticamente e' lo stiga, seguito dal waldner , dal korbel , e per ultimo lo zlc innerforce, che da un punto di vista acusticomi ha un po' deluso.
    come tocco di palla a mio avviso il korbel una spanna su tutti, a seguire lo stiga , il waldner e l'innerforce (un po troppo morbido.
    Nel blocco e nello smash su tutti l'innerforce zlc, seguito dallo stiga, dal korbel e dal waldner.
    Nel topspin impressionanti innerforce zlc, korbel , stiga e waldner.
    nel gioco vicino alla rete(risposta ai servizi e taglio, flip) Innerforce zlc, Korbel, waldner estiga.
    Dalla media distanza innerforce zlc e korbel/stiga, poi waldner.
    Da queste mie impressioni si evince che per me il Korbel e' un grandissimo telaio , dal grandissimo tocco e dalla bella sonorita' , utilizzabile anche i difesa tagliata (vedi Gionis), l'innerforce zlc , puo' deludere a primo impatto per la scarsa sonorita' ed il tocco quasi neutro ma dal grandissimo carattere che infonde sicurezza in tutte le situazioni di gioco .Lo stiga offernsive oversize wrb, pur avendo un grande tocco di palla ed un bell'effetto catapulta nel topspin e sicuro nello smash e nel block, appare un po' pesantuccio.Una spanna subito inferiore ai suddetti tre per me il Waldner .
    Impressionante la precisione del'innerfoce zlcnel top e nello smash.Korbel grandissima parabola, tanto controllo e grandissimo tocco di palla.
    Nella sfida finale korbel - innerforce zlc permane grande indecisione nella scelta finale il Korbel, sopraffino telaio tutto legno dal grande tocco, innerforce zlc fucile di precisione.
    Ad eccezione dello stiga , korbel , innerforce zlc e waldner simile composizione e disposizione degli strati del legno ( innerforce zlc un po' troppo morbido nel tocco per la presenza dello zyon fibbre) ma differenti nelle loro caratteristiche.
    Siete d'accordo?
    Gomme utilizzate (dhs hurricane III boosterizzata sul dritto, long pimple kokutako sul rovescio - gioco: offensivo con top di dritto e rovescio a caccia delpunto senza aspettare l'errore avversario, alternato a block risposte ai servizi , taglio e palleggio sia con gomma liscia che con puntinata girando la racchetta,per variare il gioco aprendo grosse probabilita' dichiusura punto con il drittone in topspin).
    Dimenticavo: nel servizio korbel e waldener sugli altri.
    --- Messaggio Unito Automaticamente, 5 Ago 2014 ---
    correzione :Donic waldner carbon senso v1(limba-ayous-carbon-ayous-carbon -ayous-limba)
    Ultima modifica: 5 Ago 2014
  5. ggreco

    ggreco Arrotatore di dritto, picchiatore di rovescio.

    Nome e Cognome:
    Giovanni Greco
    Categoria Atleta:
    5a Cat.
    CUS Torino
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