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Ciao da Kuala Lumpur, Malesia

Discussione in 'Presentatevi qui!' iniziata da barney, 6 Apr 2008.

Status Discussione:
ATTENZIONE! - L'ultima risposta a questa discussione ha più di 365 giorni!
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  1. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Working in Agrate ? Was a company involved in microchips ?
  2. ZioDrake

    ZioDrake Perdente, ma Felice

    Nome e Cognome:
    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    That's OK!! ahahahah
    I was really surprised about the correctness of the translation...
  3. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Yes, I am working as an engineer working in that company. How do you know that company? You are working there also? Same plant? Or you are from Catania or Casteleto plant?

  4. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Let's say that this company has is H.O. in....Geneva, isn't it ?
  5. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Yes, the HQ is at Geneva. Unfortunately I'm just a small engineer in that company. I only work in Agrate, Singapore and Malaysia.

    How about you?

  6. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Only a good friend of the C.E.O. Boz....... But, if you look, Fabio di Milano is working in Agrate in the same company and he is member of this Forum.
  7. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Wow, friend of C.B? Then you should say something good about me in front of him...hahahaha

    In return, when you come to Malaysia, I should bring you to my friend's table tennis dojo for some good match.

    It's only 2pm in Italy, you are not working now?

  8. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    It's 2pm and I am working and replying to you....If you see, I can do both without problem !
  9. ZioDrake

    ZioDrake Perdente, ma Felice

    Nome e Cognome:
    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Lele.. do not say that....:rolleyes:
  10. zipilo

    zipilo Nuovo Utente

    Nome e Cognome:
    Benvenuto Barney,
    mi associo ad un italianissimo CIAO !:)
  11. Nos

    Nos Nuovo Utente

    Olimpia TT
  12. stregone

    stregone idiota....

    Dear Mr.Lele,
    I work in a plant of an american big company, TRW.....
    Perhaps you know my chief, Eng. Cornutazz ?
    If yes, could you spend some words for me in front of him ?
    In exchange of this, I could offer you something good the first time you will come in Turin area.
    Hoping in you.
    With all respect
    A friend of yours,
  13. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    ...sapessi quanti cornutaz....conosco. Sorry no 'raccomandazione' is welcome ! It's old fashion. :D

    Salutami il Simpkins !
  14. stregone

    stregone idiota....

    :muro: I tried, what a pity !!!
    What times... If I cannot depend on a friend like you, where do we go from here?:tsk:
  15. simone75

    simone75 Super Block

    Nome e Cognome:
    Simone Vada
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    Villaggio Sport Tennistavolo - Chiavari (GE)
  16. ZZTOP

    ZZTOP fanzz

    Categoria Atleta:
    barney, pls let us know where is possible to play in KL
    terimah kasih
  17. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Hi ZZTOP,

    in Malaysia there are a few clubs where some national and state players normally play and have training. If you come to Malaysia, we can always arrange some time to play at the clubs.

  18. ZZTOP

    ZZTOP fanzz

    Categoria Atleta:
    my friend is based in Jln Desa Bahagia, Taman Desa Kuala Lumpur
    ..i send you an MP so we keep in touch,planning a trip to malaysia this year

    terimah kasih
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