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Cerco Nittaku Shake Offensive prima serie Vs Darker Center Carbon(Bx700)

Discussione in 'Consigli & Test sui Materiali' iniziata da carmelolana, 25 Lug 2010.

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  1. carmelolana

    carmelolana I love this game!

    Nome e Cognome:
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    Salve amici,volevo avere dei pareri da tutti coloro che hanno avuto il piacere di provare questi telai.Magari elencandone pregi e difetti.Grazie anticipatamente.:hail:
  2. HamburgerSV

    HamburgerSV Nuovo Utente

    I think that the Tibhar Charly Roesch is very similiar to the Nittaku Shake Offensive. The Charly Roesch has more control blocking top spin balls near the table.
  3. neko

    neko Utente Attivo

    Nome e Cognome:
    francesco fabbri
    alfieri di romagna
    tibhar is a bit different from nittaku shake offence old version.....i prefer nittaku, it has a better feel, a better speed and control, even if it's more elastic and so it cannot block as well as the tibhar one......darker center is one of my favourite blade i tried it only once, but it felt perfectly for every stroke, it's a semi-stiff blade, and it's very rare, it could cost even more than 200 dollars, but it worth them......
    @carmelo they are both very rare blade but i suggest nittaku fillmea a replacement of nittaku shake....there isant any replacement for the darker one.........i hope u know english, 'cause i prefer not to write it in italian........
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