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Australian player

Discussione in 'Presentatevi qui!' iniziata da haggisv, 14 Gen 2007.

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  1. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente


    I'm from Australia and unfortunately don't speak the language here. Are we allowed to post in English here?

    I see some very interesting discussion (using the google translator) that I would like to participate in.

    Thank you!
  2. Vins

    Vins Omae wa mō shindeiru

    Nome e Cognome:
    Perdenzo Ramaioli
    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Nessuna Qualifica
    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD GSTT San Salvatore
    Welcome in the this cage of mads!
    I hope you stay well here ;)
  3. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente

    Thank you, great to see some speak english here!

    What is the JUIC 999 Elite rubber like?

    I have the JUIC 999 Elite Ultima on order myself, can't wait to try it. I'm currently using the Globe 999 National version.
  4. Vins

    Vins Omae wa mō shindeiru

    Nome e Cognome:
    Perdenzo Ramaioli
    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Nessuna Qualifica
    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD GSTT San Salvatore
    Uhmmm.... I don't know exactly how is JUIC 999 Elite "Ultima" cause I have ever had the one rubber without that "Ultima" attribute.. but I can say you JUIC 999 Elite is the best for me: great spin, great control and good speed!
    I know Globe 999, it's a good rubber but it's manufactures with dimensions from 1,5mm to up, so for me isn't ideal cause I search more control with a rubber dimension max ~1,0mm (also 1,1 or 1,2)
  5. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente

    The Globe 999 national is quite different to the normal Globe 999, and is an offensive rubber, not suitable for defence. So it might be similar to your JUIC rubber.

    Yes the Ultima version is different, I think it's supposed to have a tensor style sponge...
  6. smbm

    smbm Nuovo Utente

    :banana: WELCOME :banana: HAGGIVS:banana:
  7. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente

    Thank you!

    I would be great to have a english thread on this forum, you might get a lot more international players contributing... A suggestion for your admin please?
  8. fnlr

    fnlr Nuovo Utente

    Hi haggisv, welcome around! You don't need the admin to set up an english thread: just post some discussion in english and... whoever can understand and reply will do it!
    Personally I'll be pleased to follow in an english discussion, it could also be helpful to freshen my language skills (if any).
    Hope to see you soon on the forum.
  9. Vins

    Vins Omae wa mō shindeiru

    Nome e Cognome:
    Perdenzo Ramaioli
    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Nessuna Qualifica
    Categoria Atleta:
    Fuori Quadro
    ASD GSTT San Salvatore
    Oh, cool!
    So maybe it's ideal for fresh glue?
  10. ivanotsunami

    ivanotsunami Forte e deciso....sempre!

    Nome e Cognome:
    Ivano Bellino
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    Welcome Haggisv....and don't worry, if you want ti post in english is not a problem. The real problem it's when we have to ask you something about the materials (or about technical question) we don't have in Italy!!. I know that in Australia, a lot of people use good rubbers and blades we don't have in Europe! I think that for the major tabletennis farm, (butterfly and many others) we can also speak and confront, and I hope you'll give us all the information you have. Now,i'm very sorry :)D:D) but i've to ask you what kind of player you are...Offensive player? Allround? Defensive? What materials you use? Here you can find a lot of people....with incredible passion and of all level. I hope you'll enjoy this beautiful forum.....


  11. Alexander

    Alexander Utente Noto

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
  12. Jan-Ove Waldner

    Jan-Ove Waldner Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    Welcome in this forum :approved:
  13. Fa-Rin

    Fa-Rin Harry Topper

    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    CUS Catania
  14. Meepa

    Meepa Nuovo Utente

    Hi haggisv

    No matter u dont speak italian coz I saw dat ppl here answer n understand it. Anyway u r welcome but dont use google translation coz dats 2 bad (I can read italian but answer when its worth in English)
  15. Matt++

    Matt++ Utente

  16. augusto68

    augusto68 Nuovo Utente

    Categoria Atleta:
    1a Cat.
    FFLCH - Università di San Paolo
    Welcome !!!
  17. manteman

    manteman Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    2a Cat.
    Hi huggiesv!

    How is my friend Simon Gerada???

    I spent time with him at malaysia open and japan open some years ago....

  18. rotex

    rotex arrotiamo!!!

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.

    Hi, You're welcome
  19. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Well, well, first of all I want to say hello to you. Your presence in this Forum is for us a great pleasure. We do not have any problems to talk with you in your language. As you see, a lot of players know english and therefore you can post any thread. We are at your disposal. Pls do not hesitate to talk with us. We can split our experiences and understand what is going in your wonderful country. Ciao
  20. paola

    paola Utente Attivo

    Categoria Atleta:
    1a Cat.
    Hi you are welcome!
    I am Paola an old player. I have been in Australia eleven times, Honeymoon included. A lot of my best friends live there especially in Sidney. From which town do you come from?
    Have a nice time with us in this forum ciao paola:love:
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