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2007 wttc dvd

Discussione in 'Video' iniziata da nimfer, 23 Nov 2009.

Status Discussione:
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  1. nimfer

    nimfer Utente

    2007 WTTC DVD 1
    mpeg-ps 3.94 GB
    MS-R16 Chen Qi-Hao Shuai
    MS-R16 Wang Hao-Chuan Chih-Yuan
    MS-R16 Wang Liqin-Hou Yingchao
    MS-R16 Ma Lin-Leung Chu Yan
    MS-R16 Ryu Seung Min-Oh Sang Eun

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MVRUCXW7 p1.rar
    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z0U8RCSH p2.ar
    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E33R91MT p3.rar
    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XNQ1KH8F p4.rar
    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QD0OSP2G p5.rar

    I'm slowly downloading . Links from ttball , http://www.sundns.org/tthome/
  2. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Hi, thanks for posting the DVD but...when i try do open (both with winzip and winrar prog) a password is needed...can you help me?
  3. nimfer

    nimfer Utente

    Sorry , TiborKlampar , but I'm truly in the same your state ,couse I didn't know rar files were protected by a passw , otherwise I wouldn't have dled and posted the links of the Chinese forum .
    But don't delate your downloads , as I'm trying to get the pass from some friends of mine . Provided that it isn't a Chinese word !!!!
    In a nut shell , tthome is a closed group of guys sharing ttvideos inside the group , and sometimes outside ; but no passw generally cover these last ones , of course .
    Another step is to find the same dvd in russian websites and reload it on a different hosting . Let me surf .
  4. sunnie

    sunnie ...OgniTanto...

    Nome e Cognome:
    Hello nimfer,
    Thanks for the explanation to Tiborkamplar and to all of us.
    I think these are things that can happen, for everybody hopefully not too often but do not worry. :)
    We hope the password is not in Chinese. If in this case the password is in Chinese I understand the difficulties.
    Good job of research and welcome in this T.T. italian forum.;)
  5. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Ok, thanks a lot for your explanation. I will retain my downloads, hoping you're able to obtain the password..I will stay tuned on it..have a nice day and welcome to italian tt forum!!!
  6. nimfer

    nimfer Utente

    Do ut des : I got the password as long as I reloaded on rapid . They arn't so silly ! The market of premium accounts of rapidshare is growing up.........damn !

  7. sunnie

    sunnie ...OgniTanto...

    Nome e Cognome:
    It's true. They are not so silly!:p These days it is not so easy!:D

    Many, many thanks!!:)
  8. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Scusate...Sunnie in particolare, io non ho capito. Io che ho scaricato 4,5 G di roba da megaupload adesso cosa dovrei fare per dezippare?
  9. sunnie

    sunnie ...OgniTanto...

    Nome e Cognome:
    Sorry nimfer, you got the password. How did you reloaded on rapid share? The megaupload is used or not?? And Tiborkamplar who has downloaded the megaupload what to do? Thank for your kindly reply.:)

    Da quanto ho compreso ha ottenuto la password e gli ha ricaricati su rapidshare. Prova a scaricarne uno, se hai tempo, per vedere se funziona. Io non ho potuto constatare sono in Studio e non posso proprio in questo momento.
    Gli ho chiesto come mai, avendo ottenuto la password, non ha utilizzato i megaupload. E tu avendo scaricato i megaupload che devi fare?!

    Mò vediamo se si riesce a comprendere bene:p;). Tibor spero di esserti stata utile:)..
    Fuggo che sono "oberata"...anzi di più!
  10. jacopong

    jacopong Utente Attivo

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    Credo anch'io che le cose stiano così. :sisi:
  11. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Ti ringrazio, avevo capito anch'io che le cose stessero cosi' ma non ne ero certo...ma non era piu' semplice divulgare la password che ricaricare tutta sta mappazza su rapidshare? mah..

    Hi NIMFER, can you tell us the password , so I can use the yet downloaded megauploads? Thanks in advance!!

  12. TiborKlampar

    TiborKlampar Rabarama's fan Staff Member

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Non credo che interessi a qualcuno ma se vi trovaste nella medesima situazione in cui versavo io qualche post piu' su', beh....per dirla alla Catarella...ho trovato la guardia di passo...se la volete, mp. grazie a due persone, una di questo forum e una, ignara, pora stella, di un altro!!!!
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