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1st Racquet: Safe Buy

Discussione in 'Consigli & Test sui Materiali' iniziata da barney, 11 Apr 2008.

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  1. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Ciao Tutti,

    It has always being subjective but yet something that people always will ask when they just started to play table tennis. What will be the best racquet to buy for a beginner. Racquets like Michael_Maze, Timo_Boll_Spirit, Nittaku_Acoustic, Petr_Korbel and Clipper_CR will be among the popular one. If you are to give an answer, what would you recomend a new player?

    Ha sempre essere soggettivo ma tuttavia qualcosa che popola chiederà sempre quando hanno cominciato appena giocare il ping-pong. Che cosa sarà il racquet migliore da comprare per un principiante. Racquets gradisce Michael_Maze, Timo_Boll_Spirit, Nittaku_Acoustic, Petr_Korbel e Clipper_CR sarà fra quello popolare. Se dovete dare una risposta, che cosa suggerireste un nuovo giocatore?

  2. fields_of_sun

    fields_of_sun Consigliere

    Nome e Cognome:
    S.S. Juvenes RSM
    If i must choose from the ones that you give, i'll choose Clipper CR, in any other case BTY Primorac OFF- or BTY Jonyer... ;) really good for from the beginnings and more... :approved:
  3. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Thanks Fields_of_Sun, the biggest worry of beginners will actually to spend alot on expensive blade that might not suit them. That's is where this topic become important. For me, it takes some time for a person to really get to know what he likes and the way he would like to play. In order to be more economical and safe, I would suggest to go for a cheaper blade like Petr Korbel. On the other hand, Avalox could be something that is good also.

    Have you heard of Avalox brand? It's really affordable for beginers and the quality is ok.

  4. fields_of_sun

    fields_of_sun Consigliere

    Nome e Cognome:
    S.S. Juvenes RSM
    Yes, i know it, actually the brand change name in AVX Avallo, in this forum we have the Italian vendor, his nickname's "Lucioping" and have a online store...;)
  5. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Yes, the brand has change to AVX. Actually there's a story behind this brand. One of the founder of this brand is actually a Malaysian, if I'm not mistaken.

    Avalox P500 has changed to Avallo AVX SP5 now.

    So, the vendor you mentioned is an authorised dealer for this brand?

    What is Italian general opinion on Avalox?

  6. fields_of_sun

    fields_of_sun Consigliere

    Nome e Cognome:
    S.S. Juvenes RSM
    I've never used one, but some friends that use P700 and BT550 really like this blades, Avalox blades're not very cheap, but of high quality, i think...
    In mp i send you the link to the online shop of the Italian vendor...;)
  7. barney

    barney Nuovo Utente

    Hi, thanks for sharing the information. Yes, the quality is not bad for that range of price. For us in Malaysia, Avalox price is not so expensive. I have made a comparison and sent to you in private message.

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