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Australian player

Discussione in 'Presentatevi qui!' iniziata da haggisv, 14 Gen 2007.

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  1. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    I would like to add that Paola is not only an old player but she was the italian champ and, for us, she is like a benchmark thanks to her great experience in this wonderful sport ! Sorry if I am for a while OT !
  2. paola

    paola Utente Attivo

    Categoria Atleta:
    1a Cat.
    Thanks a lot Lele ...you are so lovely...:love:
  3. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente

    Wow, you guys are certainly giving me a warm welcome! Thank you very much!:)

    I've been playing for most of my life and so is the rest of my family. I play at state legue reserve level, which is one grade below australian state league.

    I've been running a table tennis equipment review website, mainly on chinese rubbers, for a few years now. I have collected a large number of reviews from players, forums like this one, and have carried out a lot of reviews myself, and have put them all on my website (link in my signature).

    Recently my wife has started an online shop for table tennis equipment as well, which has given me access to a lot more equipment to try!
    So if you have questions about chinese equipment, I might be able to help!
  4. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Many thanks for your details. In this Forum, a lot of people is looking for chinese rubbers and equipment as well. May be is only a question of price and delivery cost in order to get some....friends. Isn't it ? Well, let see their comment on this matter. Ciao
  5. mago

    mago Professionista

    Nome e Cognome:
    Erich Schuster
    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    Sarmeola Padova
    Welcome, you can see....a lot of Forum-players speak a good english...Maybe you know Martin Rogers, Richard Lee (N.Z.), Alan Costley, Andrew Hubbard (N.Z.)...They were in Germany in my club. See you later...:)
  6. haggisv

    haggisv Nuovo Utente

    Yes that is great to see!

    No I'm afraid I don't know those players...we don't have many events where Australia and New Zealand both compete.
  7. tspbamboo

    tspbamboo W la PIZDA

    Nome e Cognome:
    Tsp e Bamboo
    au ar iu?
    Ai dont spic Inglisc veri vell, bat no problem vui hev d seim pesscion: d teibol tennis.
    bai bai.;)
  8. kiara91

    kiara91 W tt le pongiste

    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    T.T. Alto Sebino
    hi and welcome!
    u can ask me something if u have some problem..ok?? my english isn't perfect..but i want to help u..:D ...bye...see you soon!

    GUINNESS Nuovo Utente

    TT Australia Acireale
    Hello Alex,welcome in our table tennis forum!
    I don't know if you remember me...but I hope yes cause
    I have ordered from your on-line shop 11 Globe 999 National Version!
    So I hope that you have fun here!
  10. lucioping

    lucioping Utente Attivo

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    non gioco
    Hi, I can see you everywhere hehehe. Welcome in Italy
  11. fabio cavallaro

    fabio cavallaro Nuovo Utente

    welcome, don't believe paola is not an OLD player but a young one. where do you live in italy and where do you play?
  12. longpimpled

    longpimpled Puntinaro RedivIVO

    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    just a little bit late :azz: but welcome!! i hope you can have fun in here!! :D
  13. spin548

    spin548 Quale gobba?????

    Categoria Atleta:
    5a Cat.
  14. paola

    paola Utente Attivo

    Categoria Atleta:
    1a Cat.
    ahahahah sei un mito l'ho letto solo adesso ahahahahahaha:banana: :banana: :banana: :campione: :campione: :campione: :campione: :campione: :love:
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