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Discussione in 'Presentatevi qui!' iniziata da Meepa, 16 Gen 2007.

Status Discussione:
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ATTENZIONE! - L'ultima risposta a questa discussione ha più di 365 giorni!
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  1. Meepa

    Meepa Nuovo Utente

    Ciao a tutti, (dats few words i can write sorry:( )

    I forgot 2 introduce myself yesterday so gonna do it rite now.

    I played "tennis tavola" when I was a teenager but dis period is behind me now n did it as no professional player but just 4 me n 2 put stress on sport... As its writen on my profile I'm french n like sharin' n lendin' hand 4 translation or other topics ppl need necessary 2 talk...
    Well dats a short introduction but worth doin' it.
    Yo I don't speak Italian neither write it but can read it
  2. paolo1969

    paolo1969 Utente

  3. Jan-Ove Waldner

    Jan-Ove Waldner Utente Noto

    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    Salut Meepa
  4. Matt++

    Matt++ Utente

  5. tspbamboo

    tspbamboo W la PIZDA

    Nome e Cognome:
    Tsp e Bamboo
    Welcome Meepa.
    we are happy that our forum is international, and I am very happy that yuo don't speak French but speak English.
  6. lele

    lele Table tennis for ever !

    Categoria Atleta:
    Non Tesserato
    Here you can easily talk in English but, if you prefer, also in French. A lot of people is able do chat with you; therefore do not hesitate to post your questions. All the best and, once again, a warm welcome on our side.
  7. mago

    mago Professionista

    Nome e Cognome:
    Erich Schuster
    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    Sarmeola Padova
    Welcome, you will have your fun...:)
  8. Meepa

    Meepa Nuovo Utente

    thx 4 usin' a french word but u got de same dat is "salute" i guess. Anyway thx again 4 dis effort
  9. Meepa

    Meepa Nuovo Utente

    Got no pb 2 express in English n if u wanna b understood in a forum dat don't use yr mother tongue, better speakin' English
  10. Meepa

    Meepa Nuovo Utente

    4 other dat welcome me I wanna thx u also.

    Grazie mille a tutti
  11. Fa-Rin

    Fa-Rin Harry Topper

    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    CUS Catania
  12. hard

    hard Utente Attivo

    Nome e Cognome:
    Carmelo Noto
    Categoria Atleta:
    3a Cat.
    Welcome in the best forum of the world!!!:approved:
  13. Alexander

    Alexander Utente Noto

    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
    Categoria Atleta:
    4a Cat.
    Hello and welcome in this forum. Another person from France had registered, her name is Charlene. Spero che il mio inglese sia giusto!
  14. Fabio di Milano

    Fabio di Milano Utente Noto

    Nome e Cognome:
    Fabio Roveda
    Qualifica Tecnico:
    Tecnico di Base FITeT
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